Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ideas in Writing

Watch the linked powerpoint presentation on Ideas in Writing. Click on the title of this post in order to follow the link. The powerpoint includes a definition for Ideas in Writing and what it means for assessing your writing. There are also several examples of student writing for you to read and assess for other students' ideas in their writing.

After watching the powerpoint, and reading the student examples, answer the following question.

What is the main idea (theme) from "Lather and Nothing Else"? What ideas are included in the plot that best support this theme?

Post your response by commenting to this post.

Short story link - Lather and Nothing Else

Questions link - Lather and Nothing Else


  1. are supposed to read the short story aswell of just go by the student examples to make our responses

  2. You need to have read the short story in order to respond to the prompt.
